nutrition labels

Webinar: Read Nutrition Labels Like a Pro

Nutrition Labels, Simplified: A Webinar for the Health-Conscious Consumer

The Unspoken Truth About Healthy Food Labels

In today’s world, where marketing lingo dominates food packaging, understanding the meaning behind nutrition labels has become more essential than ever.

This webinar will delve into the most common healthy food labels used by food marketers and demystify the jargon.

With our experts in the field, we’ll guide you through the maze of symbols, terms and phrases to help you make informed and healthier choices.

Distinguishing Between Genuine Health Foods and Misleading Claims

Our comprehensive webinar doesn’t just stop at identifying what’s on the food label.

We help you separate the wheat from the chaff by teaching you how to differentiate between foods that claim to be healthy and those that are genuinely nutritious.

Through practical examples and professional insights, we’ll help you uncover the hidden truths and misconceptions about what’s really inside your favourite products.

Clarifying Nutrition Labels and Serving Sizes

A key part of wise grocery shopping is knowing how to read a nutrition label and understanding serving sizes.

This webinar will equip you with the skills to interpret the essential information on nutrition labels, including serving sizes, so you can accurately assess what you’re putting in your body.

No more guesswork – gain control over your diet and make eating healthy an effortless task!

Identifying Healthy and Unhealthy Ingredients

Finally, the webinar will cap off with a detailed examination of healthy and unhealthy ingredients.

Learn what to look for and what to avoid in your food choices. From preservatives to artificial sweeteners, we’ll dissect the ingredients list to empower you with the knowledge you need to eat for your well-being.

Join us for an informative session that will revolutionise the way you approach food labels and lay the foundation for a healthier lifestyle!


What we cover in this webinar

Webinar Date & Time:
3.00 pm, Saturday, 19th August 2023

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Food Labels

Most Common Healthy Food Labels Used By Food Marketers

unhealthy food

How to Differentiate between Foods that Claim to be Healthy vs Foods that are Actually Healthy

How To Read A Nutrition Label

How To Read A Nutrition Label?

Understanding Serving Sizes

Understanding Healthy and Unhealthy Ingredients
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