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Webinar: How To Make Your Own Exercise Routine?

Learn To Put Together An Exercise Routine That Works The Best For You

Are you ready to take charge of your fitness journey and design a customized exercise routine tailored just for you? Whether you’re a fitness newbie or looking to enhance your current workout regimen, our webinar will empower you with the knowledge and tools you need to succeed.

Here’s a sneak peek of what we’ll cover:

🏃 Guidelines to Stay Active: Discover the recommended daily minutes of physical activity and how they can boost your overall well-being. We’ll break down the science behind it, ensuring you’re on the right track to a healthier lifestyle.

How and When to Exercise: Timing is crucial in the world of fitness. Learn when the best times to work out are, and understand how various exercise types can align with your schedule for maximum impact.

🚀 Where to Start and Stay Consistent: Overcome the challenges of motivation and establish habits that last. We’ll share practical tips to kickstart your fitness journey and maintain your momentum.

💪 How the Physical Panel at Nugenomics Helps You: Explore the cutting-edge tools and resources available to supercharge your fitness regimen. Discover how technology can be your ally in reaching your goals.

🏋️ Practical Examples of Exercise Routines: Get hands-on with sample workout routines that cater to different fitness levels. We’ll provide exercises you can start incorporating into your daily life immediately.

Our experts will guide you through each step, ensuring you leave the webinar with the confidence and knowledge to create an exercise routine that suits your unique needs and lifestyle.

Don’t miss this opportunity to unlock the potential of your fitness journey. Register now, and let’s embark on this empowering adventure together!

What we cover in this webinar

Webinar date and time:
3.00 pm, Saturday, 11th May 2024

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Guidelines To Stay Active

How and When to Exercise

Where to Start and Stay Consistent

How the Physical Panel at Nugenomics Helps You

 Practical Examples of Exercise Routines
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