Weight management is far more intricate than the simple equation of calories-in vs calories-out. It's a multifaceted challenge influenced by a variety of lifestyle factors, from sleep patterns and stress levels to hydration and medication. We will d
A Layman’s Guide to Vitamin B Complex
In discussions about health and nutrition, the importance of vitamin B complex is often glossed over. We intend fill that knowledge gap by breaking down the different aspects of vitamin B complex, such as its individual vitamins, health benefits, av
Your Guide to Vitamin D Rich Foods
Vitamin D rich foods are becoming increasingly recognised for their health benefits. As a result, many of us are actively seeking ways to ensure a regular intake of this crucial nutrient. Often referred to as the "sunshine vitamin", vitamin D plays
How to Address Vitamin D Levels in Workplace Wellness?
Vitamin D levels, often underestimated, play a pivotal role in employee health. This silent deficiency is having significant repercussions for workers worldwide. Unlike more obvious health risks, this deficiency slips unnoticed, hiding behind closed
Vitamin Deficiency: Symptoms, Causes and Solutions
Vitamin deficiency, a health concern which often tends to be overlooked, requires greater care and attention. Your body needs a range of vitamins to function optimally, and any deficiency can lead to health complications over time. And there are 13
Irregular Food Habits: Consequences and Solutions
Irregular food habits can lead to detrimental health consequences, impacting not just our physical wellness, but mental health and productivity as well. The importance of fostering healthy eating habits cannot be overstated for a balanced lifestyle
Managing Stress in a World of Unpredictable Work Hours
"Irregular shifts are becoming an increasingly common reality in today's busy corporate world, often leading to a significant source of stress among employees." Work-life harmony is a cornerstone for overall wellness. It allows individuals to fulfil
Nocturnal Hypoglycemia
Nocturnal hypoglycemia, a prevalent yet commonly overlooked medical condition, is a critical issue that requires more attention. Understanding and managing this nighttime blood sugar drop can significantly improve health outcomes, especially for tho
Gluten Intolerance
"Nizam's Institute of Medical Sciences (NIMS) reveals over a tenth of the Indian population is grappling with gluten intolerance, predominantly observed in the northern and eastern regions of India." Gluten intolerance is a broad term used to de
Top 10 Stress Relieving Foods You Need in Your Pantry
"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." - Hippocrates. Navigating the challenges and demands of our modern lifestyle can often lead to stress. However, the foods we consume can play a significant role in managing these stress lev