In the rush of things we don’t notice many things, the least of all a nutrition facts label! But as we become more conscious of our health and general wellness, understanding what it means for us is highly important. The purpose of a nutrition fact
Top 4 Indian Pulses for Your Health
Can you think of Indian cuisine without pulses? Impossible, eh! Pulses complete the Indian palate, be it grand or simple. It goes with everything we cook. Our ancestors knew better. All these tasty meals you eat were invented centuries ago by unkno
Bone Mineral Density Test
A bone mineral density test (BMD) is a type of imaging test that measures the mineral content of your bones. It is used to determine if you are at risk for developing osteoporosis, which is a condition marked by weak, brittle bones. The test is usua
Essentials Series: Low-Carb Diet
Is low-carb diet a mere fad, or is it as good as it is touted out to be? It is true it helps you lose your weight and improve your overall health? Is it sustainable in the long run? The predominant idea behind a low-carb diet is to limit your intak
A Layman’s Guide to Carbohydrates
Do you know your body uses carbohydrates as its primary source of energy to perform its daily tasks, and that they are essential for maintaining your overall health and wellness? Carbohydrates are one of the three macronutrients that fuel your body.
Essentials Series: Refined Carbs
Should you consume refined carbs or not? Are they really harmful? If so, how to avoid them? First, let's see what they mean. Refined carbs, also known as processed carbs, are carbohydrates that have been stripped of their natural fiber and nutrient
A Layman’s Guide to High Cholesterol
High cholesterol is a condition in which you have too much lipids (fats) circulating in your blood. Although it is necessary for your body to function normally, having too much of it can cause serious health problems. High cholesterol is most commo
Understanding the Impact of Refined Sugar on Your Health
Refined sugar is a type of processed sugar that has been stripped of all its natural components, including minerals, vitamins and fiber. Most of the sugars we consume today, such as white sugar and brown sugar, are refined sugars. Refined sugars are
A Layman’s Guide to Alzheimer’s Disease
Alzheimer's disease is a progressive neurological disorder that affects millions of people around the world. It is the most common cause of dementia in older adults. It is characterised by a gradual decline in memory, language and problem-solving sk
A Layman’s Guide to Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that occurs when your breathing is interrupted during sleep. It is usually caused by an obstruction of your airway, such as when your tongue relaxes and falls back into your throat. When this happens, you will briefly