Lifestyle disorder treatment

Importance of professional lifestyle analysis in treating lifestyle disorders

A lot of discussions are going around treating lifestyle disorders. Is it possible to treat lifestyle disorders, or do we have to deal with it throughout our lives?

In this article, we will help you understand more about lifestyle disorders and how lifestyle analysis can help in treating Lifestyle diseases like Diabetics, chronic gastric, and certain types of cancer.

When it comes to lifestyle analysis, let us understand it by taking a few data points. Most of the Indian population is on either side of the BMI chart. A large part of the population is overweight, whereas a minor part is malnourished or underweight.

Similarly, over 60% of our geriatric population suffers from gastric distress. It starts to incubate from a very early stage of our life due to food intolerance that we accumulate inside our bodies. Over 77 million people suffer from diabetics in India, which is the second most affected world after China. Our 10 million population is in hypertension. These are all well-known lifestyle diseases, along with certain types of cancer.

So, professional lifestyle analysis can help you detect all these lifestyle diseases and disorders beforehand. It can prevent a lot of chronic conditions and diseases that we face and ensure excellent health. It can help you live a better life without medications if we focus on food as medicine.

The father of medicine, Hippocrates, has also said that “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be the food.”

With lifestyle analysis, we can rectify a lot of these conditions. You can be a far different person just by eating healthy and doing what your body is meant to do.

Lifestyle analysis in preventing gastric condition and food intolerance

Looking at the stats of India, over 60% of our population is lactose intolerant, with 20% of us being intolerant towards gluten, which is wheat. It is the staple food of India.

Intolerance works very differently than allergies. Consuming food that you are allergic to elicits an allergic response immediately. However, food intolerance festers inside the body for years, causing slight gut inflammation with multiple effects. One of this slight inflammation is called a subclinical inflammation. It increases the oxidative stress on the body. Oxidative stress fastens your ageing process.

On top of that, inflammation hampers the absorption of nutrients from the food that you consume. It keeps on increasing over a while. When you reach 55 or 60, you will begin to have supplementary bowel syndrome and gut ulcers.

lactose intolerant food

Food intolerance starts at a very initial stage and keeps on accumulating over time. We can detect food you are intolerant to beforehand, like if you have hypertension, you may be salt sensitive. With lifestyle analysis, we give you corrective recommendations so that these conditions do not come up in the future.

Importance of lifestyle analysis for fitness.

People try out different kinds of diets like Keto, Paleo, or the Mediterranean. These diets have a specific amount of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

But interestingly, not every diet works the same for all people. For example, Keto diets are high in proteins and fats, but they do not give every person the same results. A Keto diet might benefit some people, but some may get an adverse effect. The high protein diet may throw off the bilirubin levels all over the place and pull your uric acid level. With a high-fat diet, some may get problems like higher cholesterol level.

But with lifestyle analysis, we can see how these macronutrients interact with your body and what concentration of different macronutrients is best suited for you. On that basis, we recommend an ideal nutrition intake plan. It will help you to achieve your fitness goals like weight loss or weight gain very effectively. Identifying the exact proportion of macros for the body will also help people in rehab, optimize their health not only for today but for a very long time.

high Keto diets

Problems with modern-day diet plans

Today most of the people in India are either overweight or underweight. Most professional diets suggest a high protein diet to every problem as if it is the magic bullet for whatever fitness goals you want to achieve.

A general notion that is circulating in the fitness industry is to cut carbs and lose weight. But that is not true in every case. Some people have a body type that loses weight when given a high-carb diet. Amos Oz fut de son vivant l’ un des plus lus dans le monde. A high-carb diet does not mean cakes and pastries but a pure Mediterranean diet that includes fresh fruits and veggies. For some people, a diet like Keto and Atkin might work well.

Similarly, Some of the body types accept a high-fat diet as well. Their body uses fats as fuel more efficiently, which is also known as Beta-Oxidation. A high-fat diet is considered great for your mental health as it is the source for the brain.

In a lifestyle analysis, we consider your body type and how different nutrients will interact with your body. Depending on the goals you want to achieve, we prepare an ideal nutrition plan that best suits you.

Change in lifestyle patterns can help you achieve optimum health.

People can lose weight by changing their sleeping patterns, as the circadian rhythm is an essential aspect of RTC.

It is because, Over a million years of our evolution, we have gone through drought and flood where there was a deprivation of food. But for the first time in human history, most people are deprived of sleep.

There were light-outs, and people used to sleep in the past as there was nothing important to do in the dark. But now, the time is different, and people are consciously depriving themselves of quality sleep.

So, just correcting the sleeping patterns and giving your body the amount of sleep it requires at the right time can help you reduce a significant amount of weight. A lot of metabolic processes in our body fall into the right place. This increases your metabolic efficiency and BMR and leads you towards a healthy lifestyle.

How Nugenomics works towards better human health?

Nugenomics not only focuses on lifestyle analysis. We look into the absolute basic of your body which is your DNA.

There are millions of variations within the DNA for each one of us. These variations react differently to the environment they are present. Therefore, it creates a unique person that is you. We look at these variations to understand, what are the potential routes that you can be taking. We understand the blood biomarkers to know which one of those routes that you have already taken. On top of that, we do a lifestyle analysis to understand what triggered your gene in the manner that they say because of which you are. We understand why you end up where you are.

And with this complete information, we can provide actionable recommendations in terms of lifestyle and nutrition. This is the USP of Nugenomics. It will pull you back from the track you have already headed down and put you on a better, more sustainable track point.

How does Nugenomics help you to change your lifestyle pattern To achieve your health goals?

There are various aspects that we consider into this. For instance, let us take food patterns into account.

We identify your current patterns that are working well for you and to what food you are inclined. We consider those and give recommendations that come close to your current lifestyle as much as possible to stick to it easily and achieve the desired result.

Implementing these micro recommendations every day would significantly impact your health without much affecting your current lifestyle. Based on these micro results, we have been able to get results in controlling blood pressure and weight loss.


Consistency is the key. Some minor changes in the lifestyle can help you reverse your biological age if you maintain it for a long time. A little quote from the film “Dennis the Menace” will make perfect sense to this topic that is “A little progress every day adds up to big results.” These minor tweaks over a while will impact your health in a big way which you would have never imagined.

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