Foods to reduce body heat.

Webinar 36: Natural Ways to Reduce Body Heat this Summer

Natural Ways and Remedies To Reduce Body Heat

Is the soaring temperature causing heat stress symptoms in you? Feeling drained all day, excessive sweating, burning sensation in hands, feet and eyes and feeling unbearably hot are some of the symptoms to beware of.

Improper diet, unhealthy lifestyle and medical conditions can end up aggravating these symptoms. Our bodies being intelligent know exactly how to cool down too. However, we need to provide the right inputs and measures to see our bodies function the best.

In the upcoming webinar, we are going to share remedies, tips and hacks that you can easily adopt to keep feeling cool internally and maintain a normal body temperature.

From headaches, dizziness, dehydration and heat boils, learn to prevent and manage it all!

Get yourself registered for this webinar, now!

What we cover in this webinar

Webinar date and time:
3.00 pm, Saturday, 25th May 2024

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Reasons For High Body Heat

Hydration Methods To Beat Heat Stress

Hydrotherapies To Lower Body Heat

Herbs To Cool Down Your Body

Lifestyle Measures To Combat Body Heat
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