About Protein

Webinar: Everything You Need To Know About Protein

Power of Protein: Your Comprehensive Guide

Welcome to our upcoming webinar that puts the spotlight on one of the most essential nutrients – protein.

We’ve curated an engaging and informative session that will answer all your questions and guide you on your journey towards a protein-optimised lifestyle.

Daily Protein Intake: What’s the Magic Number?
We tackle the often-asked question of how much protein you need in a day. From athletes to those with sedentary lifestyles, we’ll break down the ideal protein intake for everyone.

The Great Protein Source Debate: Which is the Best?
Navigate the sea of protein sources with us as we weigh the pros and cons of different options, from animal-based proteins to plant-derived alternatives.

Decoding Supplements: Do I Need One?
Should you jump on the supplement bandwagon? Learn how to decipher supplement labels and make informed decisions about whether or not you need to incorporate them into your dietary routine.

Genes and Protein Metabolism: A Personal Matter
We’ll delve into the science behind how your unique genetic makeup can influence your body’s ability to process and utilise protein.

Join us and equip yourself with the knowledge to optimise your protein intake, understand your body better and ultimately lead a healthier lifestyle.

What we cover in this webinar

Webinar date and time:
3.00 pm, Saturday, 2nd March 2024

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What is protein

What is Protein?

How Much Protein Do I need in a Day?

Sources of protein

Which is The Best Source of Protein?

How Much Protein is Too Much Protein?

Do I Need a Protein Supplement?

How to Read The Supplement Label?

Will Consuming Protein Help Losing Weight?

Can My Gene Affect My Metabolism of Protein?
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